Scott Lively, an activist notorious for pushing anti-gay policies in countries like Uganda and Russia, appeared on “Trunews” yesterday, where he told host Rick Wiles that gay rights and the growing acceptance of homosexuality are going to destroy the U.S.
Lively called homosexuality an “infection” that society can only tolerate in small doses: “Society has an immune system also and we can allow a certain amount of this infection without collapsing.”
However, he warned, now America is experiencing the “forced participation in gay culture” and “punishment of all dissenters” is looming.
“The infrastructure of Judeo-Christian civilization in America has all but disappeared and we are in the end game, the radical left, the cultural Marxists are mopping up at this point,” he lamented.
Lively also referred to the U.S. as Mystery Babylon, spreading homosexuality to all the nations: “The sewer pipe of American perversion has poured out across the world, and all the rest of the world joining in whoredom essentially because of the United States.”
“Look at what President Obama has done in terms of the homosexual agenda, he has tasked the U.S. State Department to promote it across the entire world with a high level of priority,” Lively added.
He then explained why he thinks homosexuality jeopardizes a nation’s survival: “It’s a process of rottenness that eventually takes over, I was comparing it to the immune system of the body, if you stop eating healthy foods and eat nothing but junk food, you can survive for a while but after a while your body is going to break down.”