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Repeal The Twentieth Century

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  • William Wolfe claims that saying that Jesus Christ was a refugee amounts to taking the Lord's name is vain.
  • Virulent antisemite Lucas Gage asserts that "we must dehumanize our enemies": "Those who invade and demand to live among us against our will are, by definition, parasites. Start calling them what they are."
  • Wendy Rogers says that "with this constant stream of disasters, all I keep thinking is that I’m grateful to have competent ADULTS BACK IN CHARGE." Did it ever occur to Rogers that maybe the "adults in charge" might be responsible for "this constant stream of disasters"?
  • Christian nationalist C. Jay Engel is thrilled by the actions taken by President Donald Trump: "I didn’t vote for cheaper eggs or more efficient computers. I voted to repeal the twentieth century."
  • Texas state Rep. Brent Money told Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon that "we always need to find ways to better conform the law to God's intent for mankind."
  • Finally, speaking of Webbon, he used his Sunday sermon to declare that "you have not met wickedness until you have met 20th Century liberals": "They're not merely infidels, not merely unbelievers; they are something far more unnatural and degraded than that. The 19th and 20th Century liberal today is not merely an unregenerate man, he is a monster."