- Media Matters: CNN contributor Ed Martin on fellow CNN employees and co-panelists: They're "black racists" and "rabid feminists".
- Gabriel Bell @ Salon: Breitbart editor: We defended Roy Moore to protect Donald Trump.
- Ken Meyer @ Mediaite: Trump Judicial Nominee Embarrassingly Fails to Answer Basic Hearing Questions.
- Andrew Kaczynski, Chris Massie & Nathan McDermott @ CNN: Homeland Security senior adviser promoted birtherism, said Obama knew 'nothing about the black American experience'.
- Brandy Zadrozny & Ben Collins @ The Daily Beast: New Mexico School Shooter Had Secret Life on Pro-Trump White-Supremacy Sites.
- Hemant Mehta @ Friendly Atheist: Against Trump’s Promises, GOP Won’t Include Johnson Amendment Repeal in Tax Bill.
- Brad Reed @ Raw Story: Right-wing evangelical leader: It’s time to investigate Trump’s alleged sexual misconduct.
Right Wing Round-Up: Why Breitbart Defended Roy Moore